#398- Khalil Rafati
Episode 398
#398: On today's episode we are joined for a third time by our friend Khalil Rafati. Khalil is an author, speaker, and health-fitness entrepreneur. He is the owner of SunLife Organics, a rapidly growing chain of popular juice and smoothie bars in California, Texas, and Arizona. Khalil joins us to discuss how we can improve our life and overcome any tough circumstances with a positive mindset and the right daily habits. We also discuss sobriety and effective paths to sobriety. We end by discussing the sober October challenge to try and inspire listeners to get involved.

This week on THE SKINNY CONFIDENTIAL HIM & HER PODCAST… ( 0:55 ): Welcome back to TSC HIM & HER Show. #398: On today's episode we are joined for a third time by our friend Khalil Rafati. Khalil is an author, speaker, and health-fitness entrepreneur. He is the...

#250- Khalil Rafati
Episode 250
#250: On this episode we sit down with our friend Khalil Rafati. This is Khalil's second appearance on the show. His first happens to be one of the most listened to episodes on the entire podcast. It can be found here and it's definitely worth a listen. Khalil Rafati is an author, speaker, and health-fitness entrepreneur. He is the owner of SunLife Organics and founded Riviera Recovery, a transitional living facility for drug addicts and alcoholics. On this episode we discuss forgiveness, empathy vs sympathy, how to banish insecurities, and how to have a meaningful existence.

This week on THE SKINNY CONFIDENTIAL HIM & HER PODCAST… ( 0:55 ): Welcome back to TSC HIM & HER Show. #250: On this episode we sit down with our friend Khalil Rafati. This is Khalil's second appearance on the show. His first happens to be one of the most...

#187- Khalil Rafati: owner of Sun Life Organics
Episode 187
This episode may be one of the most if not the most powerful episode we have ever done! Khalil Rafati had reached the peak of suffering. He was 33 years old, weighed 109 pounds, and was living homeless on the streets of LA on Skid Row in Downtown Los Angeles. He was addicted to heroin and cocaine and was quite literally on the brink of death. The craziest part of this, Khalil was very connected in LA. Prior to this he worked for the estate of Elizabeth Taylor and had connections with some of Hollywood’s most elite including Guns & Roses, and Anthony Keidis. So how did Khalil fall so far? Addiction. And this podcast goes deep into the story of addiction and the path to recovery. Fast Forward to 2019. Khalil is completely sober, looks like a completely different person and is the founder and owner of the wildly popular fresh juice, food, and clean living franchise Sun Life Organics. On this episode we discuss quite literally what it takes to claw your way out of the depths of hell.

This week on THE SKINNY CONFIDENTIAL HIM & HER PODCAST… ( 0:55 ): Welcome back to TSC HIM & HER Show. This episode may be one of the most if not the most powerful episode we have ever done! Khalil Rafati had reached the peak of suffering. He was 33 years old,...