

Him & Her Show
Him & Her Show

Ms. Pat

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( 0:55 ): Welcome back to TSC HIM & HER Show. #720: Today we’re sitting down with Patricia Williams, AKA Ms. Pat. Ms. Pat is a comedian known for her dark humor and incredible resilience. She joins us for a hilarious conversation covering multiple topics, including her dark past, where she finds inner strength, and how she cultivated the dark humor she’s known for.


2:32- Lauryn asks, “What’s the Chick-fil-A order?”

5:28- Lauryn says, “How’d you grow up? What was your childhood like?”

5:55- Lauryn asks, “You had two babies at 15?”

6:57- Lauryn asks, “So what’d you do?”

8:27- Michael asks, “So how did you initially start?”

9:53- Lauryn asks, “When you start making that much money and you have two kids to support, does it get addicting the amount of money that you’re making and how do you start checking yourself?”

10:48- Lauryn asks, “So were you dipping into your supply?”

14:04- Lauryn asks, “Did the person who shot you in the nipple do it on purpose?”

14:55- Lauryn asks, “So do you go straight to the hospital?”

17:29- Lauryn asks, “Side teeth? Why?”

18:11- Michael asks, “I heard you talking about this on Jimmy Kimmel the other day, menopause. Why do you feel like this is something you’re talking a lot about right now?”

18:53- Lauryn asks, “And where did you move from there?”

21:13- Lauryn says, “It sounds like you sort of use visualization, manifestation, whatever you want to call it.”

22:36- Michael asks, “How do you think you got that kind of confidence, especially growing up in the circumstances you grew up in? That’s pretty powerful.”

28:04- Lauryn asks, “You don’t consider yourself famous?”

29:33- Lauryn asks, “Where is your mom now?”

32:32- Lauryn asks, “Do you listen to Louise Hay?”

35:03- Lauryn asks, “What do you mean your fat daughter?”

37:00- Lauryn asks, “Were you mother or best friend?”

37:12- Lauryn asks, “So you had strict rules?”

40:33- Lauryn says, “And explain what that is if someone doesn’t know what that is.”

41:07- Lauryn asks, “What did you end up getting busted for?”

41:42- Lauryn asks, “What is prison like?”

42:16- Lauryn asks, “And it was after you got out when you stopped dealing drugs?”

42:24- Michael asks, “Can I ask you a strange question? Maybe not so strange. When you’re used to making money that fast, that quickly, is it hard?”

44:36- Lauryn asks, “So when did you stop stealing?”

46:48- Lauryn asks, “And did it work?”

48:24- Lauryn asks, “So you can’t have sex?”

48:38- Lauryn asks, “Is he funny?”

49:18- Lauryn asks, “Are you like the entrepreneur of the family?”

54:58- Lauryn asks, “How do you look at your day every day? You’re obviously so busy. Do you like have someone managing your time?”

♡ | ♡ | ♡ | ♡ | ♡


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Lauryn & Michael

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