

Him & Her Show
Him & Her Show

Kenzie Ziegler

Kenzie Ziegler

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( 0:55 ): Welcome back to TSC HIM & HER Show. #600: Today we’re sitting down with Dance Moms alum, Mackenzie Ziegler. Kenzie is an American singer, actress, former dancer, and internet personality. Today Kenzie joins us on the show to discuss all things Dance Moms, being placed in the spotlight at 6 years old, and what it’s like growing up under the Hollywood microscope. She talks about her relationship with the other cast members, how her family dynamic evolved over the years, and why she decided to write a song dedicated to her father. We also dive into all things therapy, growing up and making friends as a famous teenager, and what she’s learned over 10+ years of being a famous kid. Lastly we dive into how today’s social media atmosphere affected her & how she’s dealt with trolls, fake friends, and how Dance Moms changed her life.


( 2:51 ): Lauryn says, “I would love to go all the way back, back to your childhood, before Dance Moms.”

( 4:02 ): Lauryn asks, “So when you moved in with your mom and your sister and your dad was away, was that easy? Was that Difficult? 

( 4:26 ): Lauryn asks, “And what about your sister—are you close at this point?

( 4:55 ): Lauryn asks, “So at what point do you really start getting into dance?”

( 6:18 ): Michael asks, “What’s that like?”

( 6:56 ): Michael asks, “From an education standpoint do you feel like you got a proper education?”

( 8:54 ): Lauryn asks, “At what point does the dance moms producer approach you or your mom?”

( 10:46 ): Lauryn says, “Give us crazy.”

( 12:01 ): Lauryn says, “What about the other moms who were crazy and fighting—how did their kids turn out?”

( 12:54 ): Lauryn asks, “What was it like with having all these producers in your ears from a young age?”

( 14:06 ): Lauryn asks, “Looking back, would you put your kids through this?”

( 14:36 ): Lauryn asks, “When you started to get recognized from the show, was that a trip?”

( 16:09 ): Lauryn asks, “As you’ve evolved and gotten older and gotten even more followers, and gotten even more famous, how do you kind of like gatekeep that?”

( 16:52 ): Lauryn asks, “How did your relationship with all your family members evolve?”

( 17:53 ): Lauryn asks, “What about your dad? Were you able to stay in touch with him while you were filming the show?”

( 19:06 ): Lauryn asks, “During Dance Moms, did you know that you were building the brand you were building today?”

( 20:21 ): Lauryn asks, “So when did you sort of start adding in the singing? Adding in what you’re doing with American Eagle?”

( 26:03 ): Lauryn asks, “How does one even start about going about a signing career?”

( 26:36 ): Michael asks, “When you get signed toa label, is that—we were talking about this with someone else on the show—what kind of relevance do they play in your career now?

( 28:25 ): Lauryn asks, “What was it like coming from the east coast to Hollywood?”

( 29:40 ): Lauryn asks, “How did you make friends? What was that like?”

( 33:00 ): Lauryn asks, “What about your sister? Is she sort of doing the same thing you’re doing at this point?”

( 33:23 ): Lauryn asks, “How did you cut out anyone who was toxic?”

( 34:05 ): Lauryn says, “So you wrote your doing about your childhood story. Tell us about that?”

( 34:56 ): Lauryn asks, “Has your dad heard it?”

( 35:28 ): Michael asks, “What were the circumstances that got you into therapy at such a young age?”

( 38:05 ): Michael asks, “So when do you start talking to your audience about mental health issues?”

( 38:54 ): Lauryn asks, “Do you still do therapy?”

( 48:33 ): Michael asks, “How are you able to cipher through what to listen to and what to block out?”

( 49:58 ): Lauryn asks, “How do you take breaks?”

( 51:55 ): Michael asks, “If you had your own little one, and you knew this was going to be a part of their life, how would you navigate that?”

( 56:11 ): Lauryn says, “There’s a lot of people who grew up with no parent. Many who grew up with one parent. What is your advice?”

( 57:20 ): Lauryn asks,  “Where can everyone find everything that you’re doing?”

♡ | ♡ | ♡ | ♡ | ♡


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Lauryn & Michael

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