

Him & Her Show
Him & Her Show

Katie Moyer

Katie Moyer

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( 0:55 ): Welcome back to TSC HIM & HER Show. #703: Today, we’re sitting down with Katie Moyer. Katie has been a professional makeup artist for over 20 years, working with celebrities and national brands. On Instagram, @makeupandskinforkatie, she talks about all things beauty procedures, skincare, and makeup. She joins us today for a conversation surrounding personal weight-loss transformations, fixing your relationship with food and exercise, and the journey to self-love. She also discusses all things makeup, skincare, and skin treatments.


( 2:40 ): Lauryn says, “Talk to me about what you were living like pre-this life.”

( 5:10 ): Michael asks, ““And how did you know to count the calories this way? Like, did you have a resourcer or coach or anybody that was teaching you this or just your own research?”

( 6:36 ): Lauryn says, “I kind of look back with sadness on that area. Do you have the same vibe?”

( 9:01 ): Lauryn asks. ““So what are your other tips that you would tell yourself?”

( 13:35 ): Michael asks, “How did that manifest in your relationship? It sounds like you guys are still together.”

( 19:50 ): Lauryn says, “I want to know when you were doing your transformation, what exercises that you were doing. Because you talked about food, and I’ve seen you post your workouts. Talk to us about that.”

( 22:07 ): Lauryn asks, “Why do you think there is such pushback with weightlifting? Because I have very similar experience with you. I feel like you and I have had a lot of parallels.”

( 25:46 ): Lauryn asks, “Did you notice the benefits of your skin? I really noticed my skin is tighter to my muscle, which looks youthful.”

( 35:53 ): Lauryn asks, “What are some beauty procedures that you think are absolutely amazing? What are ones that you don’t like? Talk to us about the way you look at beauty, because it’s unique.”

( 36:37 ): Lauryn asks, “What are the brands you really love?”

( 38:38 ): Michael asks, “What is actually growth factor?”

( 42:25 ): Lauryn asks, “What has that been like?”

( 43:24 ): Lauryn asks, “What is this viral video?”

( 44:24 ): Lauryn asks, “And what was that? And because if people haven’t watched, what was her response to it?”

( 45:04 ): Michael asks, “And how old are the kids?”

( 48:40 ): Lauryn says, ““You and I talked when you put too much makeup on and you’re over 40, it doesn’t look good. You actually need less makeup. So I would love for you to talk about that and if that is the way that you broke in because it’s super unique.”

( 51:30 ): Lauryn asks, “What mistake are people over 40 making when it comes to beauty? Give us every single speck of detail.”

( 57:45 ): Lauryn says, “The matte look makes you look older, too. Can you go off on that, the matte look?”

( 59:26 ): Lauryn asks, “What are other things that you see that people are doing that is working against them?“

( 1:03:52 ): Lauryn says, “Before you go, I do want you to talk about, you’ve been really open about your mommy makeover. Is that what you call it?”

( 1:11:30 ): Lauryn asks, “If someone is out there and wants to book a service with you, tell us how it works.”

( 1:18:10 ): Lauryn asks, “Where can everyone find you?”

♡ | ♡ | ♡ | ♡ | ♡


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Lauryn & Michael

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