( 0:55 ): Welcome back to TSC HIM & HER Show. #603: Peter Attia, MD, is the founder of Early Medical, a medical practice that applies the principles of Medicine 3.0 to patients with the goal of lengthening their lifespan and simultaneously improving their healthspan. He is the host of TheDrive, one of the most popular podcasts covering the topics of health and medicine. He is also the author of the #1 New York Times Bestseller, Outlive: TheScience and Art of Longevity. Today Peter joins the show for part one of a two part episode. In part one we discuss optimal fitness routines, body fat management, fasting, and how to live longer.
( 5:39 ): Michael asks, “When you describe yourself, what you do now—high level because you do so many different things—what’s the quick bullet point of exactly how you work?”
( 8:19 ): Lauryn asks, “What are some pillars of your sort of mission?”
( 9:01 ): Lauryn asks, “If someone’s listening, where can they start?”
( 11:00 ): Lauryn says, “You mentioned two different kinds of fat—bad and good.”
( 14:03 ): Michael asks, “What are the main reasons that kind of fat would start to go into those areas?”
( 15:33 ): Michael asks, “Is there a reason why people of Asian descent based on genetic have more that issue than caucasians?”
( 18:01 ): Michael asks, “And do they take total body fat just as a comparison against muscle?”
( 19:35 ): Lauryn asks, “What are some things you are concerned about?”
( 21:55 ): Michael asks, “When you see that reading, which of those are you concerned that leads to?”
( 31:23 ): Lauryn asks, “Can you go into detail about cardio?”
( 33:05 ): Michael asks, “And what does that workout look like?”
( 33:55 ): Michael asks, “And when you’re doing this in your body should you be like hands on knees trying to recover after that?”
( 35:41 ): Michael says, “I’ve heard that zone two should be enough of an exertion where you get your heart rate elevated but where you can also breathe through your nose and carry a conversation.”
( 37:40 ): Michael asks, “And you like that because it’s easier on the body?”
( 38:10 ): Lauryn asks, “What is rucking?”
( 39:30 ): Michael asks, “So if you’re doing that amount of cardio per week, and then implementing weight training for muscle?”
( 41:03 ): Lauryn asks, “Why do you like rucking more than the weighted vest?”
( 42:36 ): Michael asks, “For people that may not have direct access to you, which is most people listening obviously, and they’re thinking about putting together an optimal fitness routine for themselves . . . ?”
( 54:43 ): Lauryn asks, “What are your pillars when it comes to diet?”
( 1:01:23 ): Lauryn asks, “So what if there’s a woman that does have muscle?”
( 1:03:56 ): Lauryn asks, “Are you a carnivore diet fan?”
( 1:06:16 ): Lauryn asks, “What did you eat for breakfast today?”
( 1:06:54 ): Lauryn asks, “Is this a brand or is this the farmers market?”
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Lauryn & Michael
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