( 0:55 ): Welcome back to TSC HIM & HER Show. #437: On todays episode we are joined by JW Ross. JW is is a lifelong innovator and investor in the international business and financial world as well as a former Texas oil man. JW joins the show today to discuss how he recovered from alcohol addiction and found wellness in the form of plant medicine.
( 3:45 ): Michael asks, “Where did you grow up? How did you even get into this space?”
( 4:57 ): Michael asks, “And how different was that from your upbringing?”
( 5:25 ): Michael asks, “How long were you running and gunning there?”
( 6:25 ): Michael asks, “And how much did you think that was the alcohol? And how much did you think that it’s the line of work?”
( 7:14 ): Lauryn asks, “So what was the moment you hit rock bottom?”
( 9:02 ): Michael asks, “What is the correlation between pilots and doctors and why did this facility decide to specialize in those two professions?”
( 12:38 ): Michael asks, “Do you think it’s something that somebody can learn without experiencing? Meaning like if you are driven by some of those things—you’re chasing material wealth and dollars and you know you want the big house and the fancy car?”
( 15:10 ): Lauryn asks, “When you got out of rehab, did you have a more straight and narrow path there or did you relapse? What did that look like?”
( 15:24 ): Lauryn asks, “Was there a point that you started experimenting w plant medicine?”
( 18:21 ): Michael says. “Kava and Kratum. Can you explain technically for someone that’s unaware with both of these?”
( 21:05 ): Lauryn asks, “If alcohol isn’t processed, can you still drink it?”
( 21:26 ): Lauryn asks, “Can you get addicted to Kava and Kratum?”
( 22:12 ): Lauryn asks, “So when did you have this aha moment in your kitchen with your wife where you mixed the right concoction and this magical fee free potion?”
( 29:30 ): Lauryn asks, “Why can people not take this shot? Or who should not take this?”
( 35:05 ): Lauryn says, “It seems like now you’re just really passionate about helping people and opening people up more.”
( 36:55 ): Lauryn asks, “Is this plant medicine like mushrooms or ayahuasca is plant medicine or is different?”
( 37:56 ): Lauryn asks, “And are you someone who also likes to experiment with ayahuasca, shrooms, plant medicine?”
( 38:39 ): Lauryn asks, “What’s the different between good and scary for anyone who’s never done acid?”
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Lauryn & Michael
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