( 0:55 ): Welcome back to TSC HIM & HER Show. #736: Today we’re sitting down with Dan Martell, an entrepreneur, angel investor, thought leader, author, and highly sought-after coach in the software service industry. We discuss replacing bad habits, instilling self-worth, the fear of success, time management, and the concept of the perfect week and morning routine.
1:33- Lauryn says, “Let’s get the lay of the land here and get your story before all of this massive success that you’ve had. Tell us about how you grew up, your diagnosis with ADHD, jail, drugs, all the things.”
4:56- Michael asks, “And do you remember it making you feel different when you started taking it? Like, do you remember, could you tell at that age?”
9:02- Lauryn asks, “What does jail look like to someone who has never been there?”
12:31- Lauryn asks, “What was your Eureka tipping point after that to get you set on a very right track?”
14:40- Michael asks, “What were some of the things that got you to switch and knowing what you know now, like what are some of those tools you tap into? Totally.”
15:02- Michael asks, “Is this unique to recovery?”
17:11- Michael says, “I think that people find that very challenging, especially if you’ve grown up with someone from childhood and maybe you start to outgrow them. How do you, outside of telling yourself literally this would kill you if you stayed with these people, what are some of the things you did in order to distance yourself?”
22:36- Lauryn asks, “Now that you’re a parent, what are things that you do to instill self-worth in your kids because of your experience that you went through?“
29:00- Michael asks, “How do you instill personal accountability, not only in yourself but in your kids?”
30:07- Lauryn asks, “What does that mean?”
34:39- Lauryn asks, “What is the most common thing that you see with these couples retreats? What is the main problem?”
38:06- Michael asks, “Why do people stay poor? I know I just hit you with that question, but you talked about this.”
47:45- Lauryn asks, “What do you do on a Sunday to set up your week to be the most successful week when it comes to time management?“
58:00- Lauryn asks, “What are three tips that audiences can apply to their own life to buy back their time?“
1:07:55- Lauryn asks, “Dan, where can everyone get your book?”
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Lauryn & Michael